Saturday, August 11, 2012

My beach

Here I am on the brink of my 47th birthday. I look back on my life and see all the change. I was a little girl that wanted to be a wife.  I was a wife, he left me, I am divorced, I was a single Mom. Now I live with my finance and we are already struggling. I am scared. What's next
I grew up going on vacation at a place called Silver Beach. I big wide beach, private, only five streets wide. I  continue to to vacation there. My parents now own a house in Silver Beach. 
I looked down the coast earlier this summer, and I realized it hadn't changed much. That shore line has held it's ground. Have I? I think so. I don't compromise my belief system for any thing. My values are more important to me then what might be gained by breaking them. 
I stared at the Ocean in front of me. The same ocean, but in constant motion. That day it was wild with dangerous rip tides. I watched it again about a week later. So calm, so soothing. But the big breakers the week before also had a calming effect. That beach, the steady line of the shore, the constant changing motion reminded me of what life is like. 
Your shore line consists of family, children, forever people in your life. 
That Ocean is the ever changing, for good or for bad, circumstances life let's cross that line. The Ocean of life comes washing up to your safe shore. Sometimes it's scares you so much retreat from the beach. Sometimes, most times you stand there and face the Oceans power. It is your beach. 

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