Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Greatest Loves
So I admit I am a person who wanted a simple life but that simple life got so complicated. The happy young girl who felt free of peer pressure, popularity contests, and labels at Silver Beach.
Became a Bride and built an amazing house the man she loved. We had three perfect babies in less then 4 years. The world was right. I was right.
Then that perfect man started coming home late, not talking very much or being mean. His Dad gets sick and we are all sad. His father dies almost 8 years to this day.
Before his Dad got ill, I developed my first major depression. This frustrated my ex so much. He told a big lie that set into motion a bizarre journey, more another day.
The day after his Dad passed he told me he was leaving. He told me he would take the girls. I was sad, but I had fight and knew those girls would remain with me. Except for his visitations I rose my shining star daughters.  The weekend he left we went to Silver Beach to find some kind of peace. The Ocean was raging and so was I. 

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