Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Memory- of lost memories

I wish I could tell you everything I remember about growing up, how I went from being a Jersey Shore Girl to a 46 year old divorced Mom of three beautiful girls. Sadly I suffer from Bipolar and many details of my life are blurred. I am trying to figure out if it is my illness or my Medication. Either way I loose. I remember somethings so well. August nights watching and wishing a falling star. Meeting my girls Dad, the day each girl was born. Most of the big events, but even some of them are lost to me. I also forget small things, names of people, movies I have seen, old friends. 
In this blog I will not tell you lies. I will tell you what I remember and what I know happened but I just can't remember for real. 
I also will tell you stories of how I fight my illnesses. My bipolar, and how I beat alcoholism one day at time for over 11 years now. I will tell you about the beach, being unpopular, falling in love, loosing him, moving on. Having babies, that are now full fledged teens. I'll even throw in a few pictures of the jewelry I try to sell. 
I am a simple person, with simple needs. Somehow I sit in a big home, with closets full of clothes and jewelry. A large diamond on my left had. I am engaged. Not ready to Marry. 

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