Sunday, August 12, 2012

Too be Young, no doubts

This is a picture of my daughter Em. She is actually brilliant, she is beautiful, she loves to cheer, shop, and be with her friends. I bring her to Silver Beach every summer. Her Grandparents, her cousins, and all her Aunts and Uncle's are there. She is learning to surf. Something a tried to do about her age, 13. I failed. She really is learning. 
I believe she is smart and special child. She has big dreams. I dreamed smaller. I wanted to be a Mom and wife. I wanted six babies like my Mom. God blessed me with three daughters. They fulfill me. 
I remember watching my Mom with all her kids on the beach. I wanted to be her so badly. 
Funny, I am nothing like her. I married much later then I ever imagined, I had my first child at thirty, not twenty four....
But maybe life dealt me a different set of cards then I had asked for. I mom with three small kids left by the husband she will always love on some level. Maybe I am more like Mom then I think. My life since Jessica was born has been about my girls. Husband or not I am a Mom. 

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